Our History
& Mission

Thyra Funds commenced business in 2002 and has been involved in a wide range of property transactions since that time.

Over the past decade we have concentrated on commercial property investment with a focus on generating superior rates of return. In recent years, we have expanded into private lending and providing equity for residential property development.

Our mission is to build investors’ wealth and we co-invest with you to build inter-generational wealth. We invest together with the philosophy that what is best for you is best for us in the long-term.

We practice vigilance when it comes to investing your money. We have experienced multiple economic cycles which is how we can sense and observe the signals in the market that drive change. Understanding cycles allows us to nurture capital patiently with a focus on investment returns not fees.

Executive Director, Dr Mark Steglick, MCom(Hons), MBA, PhD, FAPI established Thyra Funds in 2002. Prior to this, Mark worked in corporate finance, private equity, investment banking and the property industry, concentrating on property development and commercial property investment.